This is the data file for the May/June 2003 Review article "Congestion at Airports:The Economics of Airport Expansions" by Jeffrey P. Cohen and Cletus C. Coughlin. This file contains the data plotted in Figures 1 and B1. Figure 1-Percent Change in Federal, State, and Local Spending on Airports Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Year Expenditures %Change(yr/yr) 1985 11,025 1986 11,909 8.02 1987 12,606 5.85 1988 13,359 5.97 1989 13,958 4.49 1990 15,021 7.62 1991 16,045 6.82 1992 17,931 11.75 1993 18,921 5.52 1994 18,932 0.06 1995 17,333 -8.45 1996 17,273 -0.35 1997 18,354 6.26 1998 18,878 2.85 1999 20,427 8.21 Chained 1996$, Millions Figure B1-Per Capita AIP Grants to Selected States Source: Cohen, Jeffrey P. "Reciprocal State and Local Airport Spending Spillovers and Symmetric Responses to Cuts and Increases in Federal Airport Grants." Public Finance Review, January 2002, 30(1), pp.41-55. Year CA FL IL NY TX 1988 2.42 5.38 3.12 2.76 4.55 1989 2.58 9.46 5.15 3.63 4.82 1990 2.68 7.91 7.92 2.57 4.93 1991 2.48 7.8 8.33 4.89 5.68 1992 2.88 6.49 9.5 4.9 5.2 1993 3.88 7.28 10.89 5.42 9.26 1994 4.02 6.95 6.75 4.29 6.48 1995 3.51 6.68 8.27 4.74 6.54 1996 2.61 4.29 6.25 3.65 8.27 Dollar values are in real per capita terms (1992=100).